From 1998-2005 I practiced intensely both mountaineering and exploration, in which I had the opportunity to participate in different expeditions such as:
- Exploration in the jungle of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala (1999).
- First absolute world climbing of El Escudo, the northern wall of more than 1,000m at La Encantada (also called Pichacho del Diablo), Baja California Summit (1999).
- Exploration of the Cuchumatanes mountain range in Guatemala (2000).
- Crossing through the desert of Coahuila, Mexico (2001).
- Bicycle Tour in the Iberian Peninsula: 2,000Km pedaled including El Camino de Santiago from Roncesvalles to Santiago de Compostela (2002).
- Probable first western crossing in the Great Desert of Altar (Sonora), in only 34 hours non-stop, being the fastest (2002). Crossing through a variant of the previous route (2003). Now considered the hottest place on earth
- Bicycle crossing of the Atacama Desert, Chile, from the sea to the Andes on the border with Bolivia (2005).

I have been named as one of the three best student mountaineers in the history of the Association of Mountaineering and Exploration of the UNAM and I was nominated for the Student Sports Award of the UNAM (2002).
Memories from another lives…
Altar desert expedition
— Oliver Lopez-Corona (@otrasenda_AC) November 28, 2019
Memories from another lives…
Altar desert expedition
Tributo a mi maestro
Carlos-Rangel-una-vida-de-exploraciones“…Son tres parámetros para definir la aventura: el tiempo, la intensidad de lo vivido, un nivel alto de compromiso y, aunque no está explícito en el texto, la autosuficiencia es importante. No importa si la aventura es de corta o larga duración, el compromiso ha de ser profundo… y el aventurero debe tener los ojos bien abiertos para descubrir un mundo que no conoce y que apenas intuye pero al cual se quiere pertenecer….” La aventura vista por los aventureros, Carlos Rangel